
SCAPR executive report 2021

Key figures Societies’ Council for the Collective Management of Performers’ Rights

SCAPR’s key figures


SCAPR (Societies’ Council for the Collective Management of Performers’ Rights) is an international organisation of which Adami is member and whose mission is to facilitate the perception and exchange of performers’ rights at the international level. It brings together 57 of Adami’s counterpart collective management organisations located throughout the world.

It is through agreements with these organisations that performing artists’ rights are exchanged internationally. This grand alliance has notably developed 2 global databases of all its members’ data: IPD, International performers Database and VRDB (Virtual Recordings Database). These systems are currently one of the most effective «insurance policies» for performing artists. They ensure that artists and their rights are identified, collected and redistributed all over the world.

Adami was elected in 2020 as a member of the SCAPR board of directors and is a member of the executive committee of its databases.


> Executive report 2021 (PDF)

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