

Statutes – Article 19 – Executive board

19.1 – Membership

The Executive Board is composed of seven directors appointed by the Board of Directors:

• The Chairman of the Board of Directors,

• The Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors,

• A director in charge of artistic and cultural activities,

• The Chairs of statutory Commissions:

  • finance and budget,
  • collection and distribution,
  • performers Relations,
  • international affairs,

At its first meeting after the Annual General Assembly, the Board of Directors appoints the members of the Executive Board where terms of office have expired.

Subject to sufficient nominations, each of the following three professional categories may hold a maximum of three seats on the Executive Board:
– Drama performers,
– Variety, jazz and contemporary music performers
– Opera singers, classical musicians, choreographic performers and conductors.

The Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the director in charge of artistic and cultural activities are elected by the Board of Directors from among all its members.

Each director may apply successively for these three positions on the Executive Board. Each may be appointed to only one of these three positions.

The Chairs of the four statutory Commissions:
– finance and budget,
– collection and distribution,
– performers Relations,
– international affairs,
are then called upon to complete the Executive Board after having been appointed by the Board of Directors from among the only members elected within each of the Commissions referred to in Articles 20.3 to 20.6 below. They may only be candidates and appointed to one of these four positions.

The appointment of each member of the Executive Board shall take place by a simple majority of votes cast by secret ballot. However, in the event of a single application, the candidate director is automatically appointed.
In the event of a tie, a second round of secret ballots is carried out. If the tie persists at the end of the second round, the member of the Executive Board in the position concerned by equality is chosen by drawing lots between the candidates having obtained the same number of votes.

19.2 – Term of office

The term of office of the members of the Executive Board shall correspond to their term of office as a director during which they were elected to the Executive Board.

It shall automatically end at the end of their term of office as director.

In the event of the vacancy of one or more seats for any reason whatsoever, the new associate(s) of the Executive Board shall be elected by the Board of Directors under the conditions of Article 19.1 and shall perform their duties until the expiry of the term of office of those they are called to replace.

19.3 – Powers

The Executive Board is competent, within the limits defined below and the delegations received from the Board of Directors, to:
– Take any decision required by the society’s administration to achieve the society’s purpose;
– Give prior opinion on all matters that are subject to the decision of the Board of Directors;
– Approve the agendas of Board meetings;
– Include on the agenda of the Board of Directors any item requested by at least one quarter of the members of the Board of Directors;
– Decide to convene a Board of Directors in camera, with or without the Managing Director’s attendance, at the prior request of the majority of the members of the Board of Directors;
– Be referred to any question under the conditions provided for in Article 2 of the General Regulation;
– Allocating aid pursuant to Article L.324-17, under the conditions set out by the Board of Directors;
– Appoint society representatives for assisted projects and external events;
– By a two-thirds majority, propose to the Board of Directors the removal of a member of an elected body, when it is not within the competence of the General Assembly.

19.4 – Members of the Executive Board

19.4.1 – The Chairman

The elected Chairman of the Board of Directors chairs the Executive Board.

Where the Chairman is unable to attend, he or she shall be replaced by the Vice-Chairman and, failing that, by the Chairman of the Finance Commission.

The Chairman shall ensure that the Managing Director complies with the society’s general policy and the decisions taken by the Board of Directors.

In particular, the Chairman may attend meetings of chiefs executives, statutory and ad hoc commissions, and meetings of monitoring committees scheduled/organised under agreements/conventions concluded by Adami.

The Chairman may delegate any powers specific to his remit to any member of the Executive Board of his choice.

He proposes to the Board of Directors the appointment and dismissal of the Managing Director.

His prior agreement is required on the recruitment, appointment or decision to terminate the employment contract of executives who are members of the Management Committee by the Managing Director. In the event of disagreement, the decision shall be put to the vote of the Board of Directors.

19.4.2 – Vice-Chairman

The elected Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors is responsible for:

–  Serving as intermediary between the directors and the Executive Board, between the Bodies and the Chairman;
–  Ensuring that the decisions of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors are transmitted to the departments and implemented by them. He may meet with any senior manager;
–  Examining, within the dedicated commission, requests for social action and reporting to the Board of Directors on the use of the funds allocated to this.
In addition, the Chairman shall be informed of all matters relating to the society and of their decisions by the Committees. To this end, he shall receive all their agendas and minutes.

19.4.3 – Other members

The four members of the Executive Board in charge of:
– Finances and budget;
– Collection and distribution;
– Performers relations;
– International affairs;

are tasked with:
– Convening and chairing the Commissions of the same name;
– Participating in the development of general policies related to their responsibilities in consideration of the political decisions of the Board of Directors;
– Including on the agenda of the relevant bodies any items they deem useful in relation to their remit;
– Reporting on and presenting the work of their Commissions to the Board of Directors at least once a year.

The director in charge of artistic and cultural activities is responsible for serving as the link between the Board of Directors and the Artistic commissions, and the departments in charge of implementing actions under Article L.324-17 of the Intellectual Property Code.

He reports to the Board on the work of the Artistic commissions and ad hoc commissions when their purpose is actions under Article L.324-17 of the Intellectual Property Code

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