

Statutes – Article 10 – Obligations of the associates

10.1 – In their respective relations, the associates are liable for the society’s debts and commitments. With regard to the society’s creditors, associates are required to comply with the rules of Article 1857 of the French Civil Code.

10.2 – Since the Board of Directors alone has the right to decide to dispose, as specified in Article 17.4.1 of these Statutes, associates are prohibited from transferring the intellectual property rights which they have already placed in the society.

10.3 – All associates are required to comply with the Statutes, the General Regulation, the decisions of the Board of Directors and the collective decisions of associates taken at General Assemblies or by written consultation. They also undertake to refrain from any actions that may harm the material and moral interests of the society or the professions represented by the society.

10.4 – Acceptance of these Statutes implies acceptance of the agreements concluded between the society and professional groupings in any country.

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