

Statutes – Article 6 – Effect of admission

6.1 – Any person admitted as an associate pursuant to Article 5 shall be deemed to have accepted these Statutes and the General Regulation.

6.2 – Any person admitted as an associate contributes to the society, as a result of this admission, in any country and for the entire duration of the society, within the limits of the types of performances, categories of rights or types of uses defined below, subject to Article 6.4 hereof:

  • The management of the rights to remuneration or compensation due for the use of the recording of its artistic performances, under an existing or future voluntary or compulsory collective management system or legal licence.

The management contribution may also, at associates’ request, cover the collection, payment and control of remuneration due pursuant to contracts concluded by associates in respect of their activities falling within the society’s object and, in general, the negotiation and conclusion with third parties of contracts relating to the exercise of its economic rights.

  • Rights to authorise or prohibit the reproduction and communication to the public of the fixation of their artistic performances, as well as any separate use of the sound and image of their performance when fixed for both the sound and the image, subject to the rights of third parties, as well as the collective management of rights with associated remuneration, including:
  • the right to rent and lend phonograms or videograms;
  • the right of reproduction on demand, in full or in excerpts, on a digital medium, independent or integrated into a computer, enabling reproduction;
  • the right to make available to the public on demand, in full or in excerpts, their fixed performances within the context of a service allowing individual access from the place and at the time chosen by the user, whatever the technical means used;
  • the right of broadcast their performances by cable;
  • the exclusive rights for which the French Intellectual Property Code, the performance agreements or the extended collective agreements, provide or come to provide for the compulsory or voluntary collective management.

6.3 – When applying for admission, associates may exclude from their contribution:
– one or more categories of rights provided for in this article, where the management of the remuneration in question has not been entrusted to the society by law, an agreement or a convention;
– certain territories, excluding France.

Any exclusion of contributions and/or territories shall be expressly listed in the application for admission.

6.4 – Contributions shall be effective upon association validated in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 1 of the General Regulation, subject to the rights of third parties.

The property rights contributed to the society, as provided for by the French Intellectual Property Code and international conventions, both in their current and future provisions, do not contribute to the formation of the share capital stipulated in Article 11 of these Statutes.

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