
2020 General Assembly Meeting and election of the Board of Directors

voting results

Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of June 29, 2020

and Election of the Board of Directors

The Adami carries your voice: to vote is to take part in the artists community !

The associate members of Adami vote on the resolutions submitted to them during the annual general assemblies: they approve the transparency report and the annual accounts and they elect of their representatives. In order to prevent any health risk, the general meeting was broadcast live to the associate members via the Internet.

The agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting is as follows:

1 – Presentation of the moral report, presentation and approval of the company’s management report for the year 2019;

2 – Presentation and approval of the accounts and the annual transparency report for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2019, which includes the use of amounts that could not be allocated, prepared in accordance with Article R 321-14 II of the Intellectual Property Code; presentation of the Statutory Auditor’s certificate on the information provided for in Article R 321-14 II, 1°, 7° to 10°, and III of the Intellectual Property Code); presentation of the Statutory Auditor’s special report on regulated agreements (Article L.612-5 of the Commercial Code); presentation of the Supervisory Committee’s report on the financial year ended 31 December 2019; discharge of the Manager from his management;

3 – Presentation and approval of the company’s report giving an account of the sums deducted for the provision of social, educational and cultural services for the financial year ended 31 December 2019, prepared in accordance with Article R 321-14 III of the Intellectual Property Code;

4 – Presentation and approval of the compensation and remuneration of members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee;

5 – Presentation and approval of the repayment of the surplus of €477,314.68 and €2,661,747.25 of management fees collected in 2016 and 2018, respectively, recorded as retained earnings, to rights holders who have benefited from remuneration from collections on legal licences distributed during the financial years 2016 and 2018.

6 – Communication on the annual report of the Standing Supervisory Committee of organisations for the management of copyright and related rights.

7 – Any other questions;

8 – Election of 8 members of the Board of Directors.



number of voters 3223
Yes 3064
No 77
White votes 82


number of voters 3223
Yes 3039
No 90
White votes 94


number of voters 3223
Yes 2972
No 149
White votes 102


number of voters 3223
Yes 3061
No 72
White votes 90


Election of the 8 members of Board of Directors to replace outgoing members whose terms of office have expired:

Actors and theater performers: : 4 seats
• Valérie Vogt
• Sylvie Feit
• François Dunoyer
• Hélène Arié

Jazz and popular music performers : 3 seats
• André Ceccarelli
• Jil Caplan
• Dorothée Hannequin

Opera singer : 1 seat
• Sonia Nigoghossian

Terms and conditions for the election and term of office of the 8 members of Board of Directors to replace outgoing members whose terms of office have expired:

Article 17.1 of the Adami’s Statutes provides that the Board of Directors shall have a maximum of 24 members, divided into reserved seats by categories of performers as follows:
– Actors and theater performers: 11
– Jazz and popular music performers: 8
– Opera singer: 2
– Classical musicians and/or conductors: 2
– Choreographic performer: 1

Article 17.3
of the Adami’s Statutes provides that the renewal by third of the members of the Board of Directors is fixed according to the seats reserved for each category of performers;

Article 17.3 of the Adami’s Statutes provides that the Board of Directors may not have more than one third of its members being aged over 70 as of the date on which the submission of applications closes
Within the candidates whose list was drawn up by the General Manager and in accordance with Article 17.3 of the Adami’s statutes and 2.2.1 of the Adami’s General Regulations, the candidates elected will be the ones who have won the most votes for the seats reserved for each category of performers and within the overall age limit of one third;

The 8 positions to be filled per reserved seats are:
– For the “Theatrical” category, 4 seats are available.
– For the “Jazz and popular music” category, 3 seats are available.
– For the “Lyric artist” category, 1 seat is available.

If the threshold of one third of the members of the Board of Directors who may be 70 years of age or older were to be exceeded pursuant to the preceding rule, the method of electing candidates will be as follows in order to comply with the statutory provisions relating to the age limit of directors:
– priority consideration will be give to the four members of the Board of Directors elected at the June 2019 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting who are over 70 years old and whose seat is not subject to renewal, which limits to 4 the maximum number of elected candidates who may be 70 years of age or older on the closing date of nominations, March 16, 2020.
– candidates aged 70 or over will be elected in the order of the candidates with the highest number of votes, within the limits of the seats positions to be filled in each category of performer’s activity and reserved positions, until the threshold of one-third is reached;
– once the threshold has been crossed, the elected candidates will be those who will be under the age of 70 and have won the highest number of votes, within the limits of the positions to be filled in each category of performer’s activity and of the seats positions reserved.


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