
Lockdown #2

The offices are closed, but Adami continues!

Lockdown #2

Adami’s offices, located at 14-16 rue Ballu 75009 Paris, are closed to the public.

All services remain operational.

Employees are working from home, always by your side:

You would like to be accompanied in your procedures, to check your repertoire, to find out about your next payments, to declare your participation in works, to confirm your identity …
You can reach us:

  • by phone on +33 (0)1 44 63 10 00
    • Choice 1 to contact an artist relations officer
    • Choice 2 to contact Support for Artists and Projects

Payments will be made in December.

> Distribution payment schedule

Artistic Commissions will be held in November

for projects submitted before the freezing of our financial aid following the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union. They will resume their activity in January 2021.

Take good care of yourself and let’s stay connected …




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