

What are the limitation periods?

Payments for private audio copying and equitable remuneration are made once a year at the end of December, based on the previous year’s broadcasts (consult the payment calendar) and subject to having updated personal information, particularly postal and bank details, by logging into “my account“.

The time lag between the distribution and/or sale of the work and the payment of the rights is :

  • one year for remuneration for private copying calculated on broadcasts,
  • two years for private copy levies calculated on the number of phonograms sold.

For your information, the law on prescription was amended in 2014 and its duration reduced to 5 years (Intellectual Property Code article L 324-16 – external link Legifrance.gouv.fr).

Once this 5-year period has passed, the rights, if they have not been claimed by the performer, are time-barred and are assigned to the artistic action in application of article L 324-17 of the Intellectual Property Code.

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