

Statutes – Article 24 – Authorisations for use

24.1 – Authorisations 

When the society grants operating authorisations, these are granted within a reasonable period of time, on the basis of the criteria previously made known to users, set in an objective, transparent and non-discriminatory manner, under the conditions provided for in Article L.324-6 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Users may communicate with the society electronically and provide it with relevant information on the use made of the rights in order to enable the society to ensure the collection by any means, and distribution to the rightholders it represents, of income from the exploitation of their rights.

24.2 – Non-commercial uses 

Rightholders may grant operating authorisations to third parties for non-commercial uses of rights or categories of rights which they have entrusted to the society, relating to the use of certain fixations of their artistic performances of their choice. They keep the society informed, which may carry out the necessary verifications with third parties to justify the qualification of use for non-commercial purposes.

24.3 – Reduction granted to general interest associations 

The remuneration due to the society for the use of the fixed performances of rightholders represented by the society shall be reduced by 5% for events not involving paid admission and organised by the associations referred to in Article L.324-6 of the Intellectual Property Code. This reduction will be granted only if, prior to the event in question, these associations have applied for and justified that they meet the conditions required to have the provisions of Article L.324-6 above applied.

The following associations may benefit from a greater reduction in the fees payable by them, within the limit set by the General Regulation

a – whose main purpose is the promotion of artistic creation and education,
b – which fall under the provisions of Article L.132-21, paragraph 2, of the French Intellectual Property Code,
c – which are members of federations of associations, representative at national level, which have signed a memorandum of understanding with the society.

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